Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hello Everyone,

I know it’s been some time since you have heard from me. I have to say the last few months have been crazy. The last year and ½ have been the most challenging as I continue to battle this thing called cancer. Well, today is my birthday and I am proud to say that I have made another trip around the sun!

The last 3-4 months have been particularly challenging. I have been in and out of the ER for various symptoms related to the cancer treatment. If that was not enough I have had my hours at work reduced. I was able to pick up a second part time position going back to my old standby as a home health care nurse. That was very taxing on me physically not to mention how insanely hot it was this summer! I managed through as I continued to battle the different symptoms of the cancer treatments and the disappointment of the incline of my cancer count.

Back in April I had had great success with one medication called Avasitn cutting my cancer count in half in one treatment. Unfortunately it caused a severe hypertensive crisis and me ending up in the chest pain clinic. So I was taken off of that medication and but on Topecin which had very little effect.

I trudged along at my jobs and chemo being frustrated with both but determined to continue and not be defeated when everything came to a screeching halt in one week. Just three weeks ago I was offered a full time position within my dept as a case manager. Perfect! Just what I was looking for. I could quit the other 2 jobs and work just one and finally pay the bills. By the end of the last week as I was finishing up my job at Patewood I was awoken at 4am with excruciating pain in my lower abdomen. Here I was Friday 3 weeks ago finishing one job and getting ready to start the new job on Monday and I was admitted into the hospital for pain management. The doctor stated he wanted to discuss other options as well. What did that mean? Could I and would I be able to start my new job I had no idea.

While in the hospital I was told my cancer count had sky rocketed to over 700. Normal is 35 or below. The tumors in my abdomen were growing and now visible for the first time on the cat scan. Not good. This would explain my pain. So Dr. Puls’ plan was to transition me from IV pain meds to oral pain meds to manage my symptoms. Holding back tears I asked how I was going to start my new job with all this going on. Calmly he said,

You just do what you normally would do.”

Those words resonated with me strongly because that is just what I was doing so I continued on. If you don’t believe God is not planning these things out I have news for you. It seems everything came together that weekend. Tue I started my new job. Wed I saw Dr Puls again and he agreed with the help of my primary Dr to put me back on the Avastin. My primary would be watching my blood pressure to keep it in check. I also started back on the carboplatin. I had been on before with great success before but I had to wait a year to go back on it and wouldn’t you know its been a year! These two medications separately worked well for me so together they should bring great results! If that wasn’t enough for the first time I am able to get my chemo every 3 weeks not 2 -3 times a month like before. Which works out perfect for the new job.

Everything came together God had been slowly orchestrating each aspect of my life to bring everything harmoniously together. I know I could not do better it just amazes me how he works. It seemed as though my many months of rain and my glimmer of hope from the “son” brought together a beautiful rainbow I could not begin to imagine.

My job is going well, my chemo treatment is going well, I take very little pain medicine and next week we find out where my cancer count is. I feel very positive about this. No matter what Dr. Puls says on Wednesday I’m not worried I know I am in God’s hands and he’s got it under control. Thanks for all your love and support. It makes the world of difference.

Remember without both the rain and sun we would not have a rainbow and with everything it’s all in how WE make it!

Lots of love and thanks for so much support!


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